Sabtu, 01 Januari 2022

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Novel Resume


Harry Potter and the Sourcerer's Stone Novel has 384 pages and The author of this novel is J.K Rowling and published in 1997

In this first book, Rowling is more tells about the in and outs of Hogwarts and the wizarding world in detail. Starting with the professors who teach, subjects, boarding to Quidditch sports. on the other hand Harry Potter's past life is also quite a lot discussed. As for the action itself, it is only told a little at the end of the story. There are many characters in this novel. The main character, amely Harry Potter is described as innocent, intelligent, and always curious little boy. Then there is Ron who is described as a close friend Harry, who lacked confidence in nature, but was very loyal friend. Then there's Hermione who was hated at first by Harry and Ron, because of his knowing and pretentious nature smart, but then become their close friend and other characters.

Harry Potter lived as an ordinary child in his uncle and aunt's family after that time still being abandoned in front of their house by Albus Dumbledore. His parents were black but very powerful man named Voldemort, he disappeared while trying to kill Harry. By the Durs family, Harry is mistreated because the Dursleys don't want Harry and others to know that they are family of the family.

Harry's life changes when his house is flooded with letters until they have to flee, but in the end Rubeus Hagrid of Hogwarts himself the letter is an invitation to invite at Hogwarts.

Harry finally learns of his popularity in the wizarding world during a visit to Diagon Alley. Para and Gringotts shopping, magic bank. At Gringotts Hagrid also carries out the task of retrieving a small, very secret object.

On his way to school, on the Hogwarts express Harry met several members of the Weasley family, namely Ronald Weasley, the twins Fred and George Weasley, and Percy Weasley. Previously, at the station Harry met Molly Weasley (mother) and Ginny Weasley. In addition there are also Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Draco Malvoy.

At Hogwarts they are selected into one of four houses by the Sorting Hat. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville entered the most reputable house, Gryffindor. Meanwhile Malvoy heads to Slytherin, where the black variety is. His days at Hogwarts were filled with magic lessons. But what he hated was Professor Snape, the potions teacher. And there's also the defense teacher against black magic, Professor Quirrel. Harry is also a special member of the Gryffindor Quiddict team.

The story is about an attempted theft at the same location as the items Hagrid and Harry took who found the Mirror of Erin. Various events occur and someone tries to steal the magic stone with the suspect Snape. This secret was known only to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. However, after overcoming various obstacles, what was found trying to steal was Quirrel who was traveling with Voldemort. His attempt to steal was successful and Gryffindor won the house cup.